'Toundra plays 'Das Cabinet Des Dr. Caligari'

VERLEGT AUF:  Sonntag, 23. Mai 2021 - 19:00 Uhr

Mitteilung von TOUNDRA bzgl. der Termin-Verlegung:

Due to the recent events, and being aware of the situation in Spain and Europe with the Coronavirus, we're taking a very difficult decision: we will postpone the tour until further notice. This includes the shows in Badalona, Granollers, Hamburg, Jena, Munich, Siegen, Darmstadt, Martigny and Stuttgart. Nobody enjoys the feeling of performing live more than ourselves and we work really, really hard to make the tour happen. But regarding the current scenario, we have to be cautious and responsible.

We're not included in what the authorities call "high risk patients" and we're not making this decision thinking about our own security or health, but we think it's irresponsible, coming from the most affected area in Spain (Madrid), to act otherwise. Obviously, we're so sorry about this, and it breaks our heart we won't be able to perform our special Caligari show for you. But health is a serious matter, we think you deserve the best from us, and we have to act in consequence.

Big hug for you all, from a safe distance ;)

And please, wash your hands regularly!


Madrids progressive Instrumentalband Toundra präsentiert ihren originalen Soundtrack für den deutschen Horror-Stummfilmklassiker „Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari“ (1920) von Robert Wiene. Der Film wird in voller Länge vorgeführt während die Band live ihren atmosphärischen Soundtrack dazu spielt.

Robert Wienes expressionistischer Stummfilm gilt als Meilenstein der Filmgeschichte - 2020 wird der Film exakt 100 Jahre alt. Zwischen den beiden Weltkriegen entstanden, erzählt er eine doppelbödige Geschichte über Mord und Wahnsinn und fordert er den Zuschauer dazu heraus Autorität, Freiheit, Manipulation und Menschlichkeit zu hinterfragen.

TOUNDRA über den Film: «‘Das Cabinet des Dr.Caligari’ is a movie with a very strong visual energy. It’s a film that takes elements of the terror movies to speak about authoritarianism. About how ideas can be controlled and eventually lead a human individual to do the worst things. It was premiered in between-war period, and it represents an advice about the real danger of some ideologies that nowadays are getting a new life across Europe; ideologies based in intolerance. That’s why we like to see this film as historical document that invites to some conscient thinking rather than let ourselves go where intolerants want to take us.»

„Das Cabinet Des Dr. Caligari“ erscheint am 28.02.20 auf allen digitalen Plattformen und als Doppel-LP sowie CD.
Album Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r89lyYkgf4o&feature=emb_title

Bandlink: https://www.facebook.com/toundra/

Ticketlink: https://clubzentral.app.love-your-artist.com/de/

Adresse: Club Zentral - Hohe Straße 9 - 70174 Stuttgart
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Sonntag,  22. März 2020
Einlass:  19:00 Uhr
Eintritt: 18,70 €

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